Choose the right tariff for your sensors
Payment is made by setting up a fixed monthly payment, or you can subscribe to a multiple payment, by the number of months. I.e. with the Standard tariff for the SOS button, you send 6 × 90 CZK = 540 CZK and you have subscribed for 6 months. After you have used your allocated alarms, you will only receive further emails. However, if you want to make sure you always receive an alert, you can turn on back billing in the sensor settings and we will send you a billing for SMS and calls once a quarter if you happen to exceed it.
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Select a product to claim the prize
How it works in practice
The tariff you choose is always limited to a certain number of alarms that send notifications to the assigned contacts. Overflow can be handled in two ways. The first is a limitation where all notifications above the limit will be by email only. The second solution is back billing, where all alarms over the limit will be billed to you once per quarter.